Infrastructure Maintenance

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Infrastructure Maintenance

  • Total Management Service
  • English and Japanese support
  • Help Desk
  • Training Service

Integrated wiring technicians are on standby 24 hours a day to immediately respond to sudden failures.
Even after the project is over, we regularly communicate with our customers through maintenance and are always ready to help.
With a close technical support system, you can visit any city in Korea.

회사명 Linknzone 사업자 등록번호 110-81-37685 대표 Seong, Jang Yeun
주소 504 Poonglimtechone Bldg, 31, Seongsuiro 18-gil, Seongdong-gu, Seoul, 04787 Korea
전화 02-2205-9000 이메일 팩스 02-2205-9090
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